Thursday, November 7, 2013

Their Love

          Romeo and Juliet's love was a lot different than anyone other love now or even back then for that matter. Often times back then marriages were arranged and finding love was a tricky thing. For them, they met at a party and once they first met and started talking Romeo immediately leaned in and kissed Juliet knowing that they were from two houses sworn in hatred. These days if a guy just kissed a girl the second they met he would most likely get slapped, if he even had the "cajones" to do that.
         In present day I wouldn't exactly say love-at-first-sight is a common thing. Lust is a very common thing when seeing someone and instantly being attracted to them, but not love. Love now comes with hard work and a sense of needing a true understanding of the other person. Romeo and Juliet supposedly fell in love as soon as they saw and met each other. They did not spend very much time together at all after the first time that they met at the party. Romeo would have to sneak over to Juliet's orchard just underneath her balcony where she would come out to talk to Romeo. Even though they would talk to each other it would still be hard to literally see each other because it was often dark outside when they met like this. It would be dark because that would be the easiest way for Romeo to sneak over there without getting caught.
       So it is fair to say that their love for each other was insurmountably different than any other love in our history and there are many lessons to be learned from it.

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