Thursday, November 7, 2013

Difference Between Movies

          In English this year we watched two different movies in class based on the play Romeo and Juliet. In the older version it seemed to be based a lot closer on the exact lines from the play and the time it was in. They had the costumes to match the the time period of the actual play. They also had the setting, where it all took place in a town with castles and markets out on the street. Even the weapons matched with swords and daggers. They also spoke the exact language and lines from the play. I feel that this movie was the more comical of the two for a few reasons. One being that several people died and no one payed much attention to them other than the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Also the timing was more comedic, such as when Juliet happened to wake up just a few short moments after Romeo committed suicide believing that Juliet was really dead.
          In the newer version that we watched, the first thing that I noticed was that the Montagues started all of the problems at the gas station, rather than the play and other movie that suggested that the Capulets started the fight in the beginning of the play or movie. The plot in this movie very much followed the same path as the original play, but the setting was based off of the present. They dressed like we do today and they had the weapons of the present, not like they would in the play, such as guns. Also they very rarely spoke the entire language that they did in the play. The only one who constantly said all of their lines in that language would be Romeo (Leonardo DiCaprio). I found this one to be more tragic because they took the deaths more seriously and Romeo had to watch Juliet live as he was dying knowing that she was still alive and he was dying for no reason.

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