Thursday, November 7, 2013

Argumentative Writing

      For me argumentative writing has been decently challenging. I'm the kind of guy who likes to argue in real life (and not lose). This way i know for sure whether ii have won or not. An argument in an essay, for me, leaves me with no closure. I'm not sure whether what i just argued persuaded someone my way, made it worse, or didn't alter their decision on the topic or not.
      For my argumentative essay that we wrote yesterday, i argued that teenagers should also get nap time in school like the kids in preschool. According to teenagers need about nine and one half hours of sleep. They also say that it is biologically much harder for us to go to bed before eleven o'clock at night. If most of us have to wake up at six in the morning or earlier then we only get about six to seven hours of sleep. This clearly is not the correct amount of sleep that we need.
      They also said that sleep deprivation can interrupt such patterns as learning abilities, remembering homework assignments, numbers or even names. all of this could simply be solved with a nice, convenient nap time in school. This will help our brains refocus and essentially help us in school. Isn't that what the teachers and everyone wants in the first place?

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