Thursday, November 7, 2013

Romeo and Juliet: Tragedy

         Personally I think that Romeo and Juliet is more of a comedy. But I do believe that it was meant to be seen as a tragedy as two love-at-first-sight, love-struck, natural born enemies die for longing to always be with each other in the end no matter what would try to separate them.
        They were so used to hiding from everyone and the world as Romeo was a Capulet and Juliet was a Montague. They couldn't possibly fall in love right? No of course not because the Capulets and the Montagues are sworn enemies. Its unfortunate that the hate between each other could drive Romeo and Juliet to suicide just searching for each others love.
       This could be tragedy because six people end up dying in this story. It's also tragic that the Capulets and the Montagues could only settle their scores once Romeo and Juliet had to meet their untimely demises.
       The new movie that we watched in class was more representative of a tragedy to me for one reason; while Romeo was dying he was able to still see and talk to Juliet knowing that she was still alive. This means that as he's dying he knows that he is dying for no reason as he didn't have to drink the poison to be with Juliet because she was clearly still alive.

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