Thursday, November 7, 2013

Learned in English

      This trimester I have learned a lot in English. first of all I learned how to think outside of the box. Reading Romeo and Juliet really made me think and consider what they were saying. Obviously they don't use the same language that we use today so it took some intense concentration to understand their language. It also showed me that the theory of love has not really changed. although many may not kill themselves over their soul mate, they would go to the absolute limit for them.
       I have also learned how to stick with a book even if it is not quite interesting yet or as exciting as i would want it to be. If you just keep reading the novel then it might pick up and grab your attention more than you expected it to in the beginning.
       In English this year my writing has improved immensely. Due to all of the peer editing sessions that we have had, I have learned some of my most common mistakes and was taught how to fix them, take them out, or just make them better than they are. I have also learned how to add more detail too my writing to make it longer and more complex, therefor adding to the interest for the reader and including more intelligence.

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