Tuesday, April 15, 2014


This column is about the use of legos and how it can benefit both the adults and children involved.
"With legos, kids build sturdy little creations - which, in turn, build sturdy kids. ?" I found this quote interesting because it used sturdy multiple times which shows its importance and how doing something sturdy can create a sturdy child. That being one with good human abilities such as imagination, 3D realization, and spatial reasoning.
 The thing I like most about her writing is the anaphora, the repetition of words. On several occasions she uses this technique to show the importance or to simply explain that it is done more than once. On incident is in paragraph 11. She uses the word "pad" twice to explain how the children up the stairs. Also another case of this is in the last paragraph where she uses the word "sturdy" twice, too. She did so to show the connection between activities and the growth in the children resulting from said activity.
1.How did you become an columnist?
2.How many people write to you for more information?
3.When did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

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