Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Romeo and Juliet, Leonardo DiCaprio

        In class we are reading and watching the original play and several remakes of Romeo and Juliet. This is a classic love story about how a lower class man, Romeo, falls in love with an upper class woman once they meet at a party.
        At first Romeo was in a deep depression for he had been in love with another woman but she was a nun and therefore they could not get married. He was sad and decided to go to the party to find his love, the nun, but instead found another girl Juliet who was of a higher class than he was.
        This relates to our lives because it shouldn't matter what background you come from, you should be able to fall in love and marry anyone that you please, so long they are in love with you as well.
       In the modern-time remake, Romeo is acted by Leonardo DiCaprio. I think this is a great fit because like in so many others of the movies he has done, he falls in love with a woman of a higher class, or falls in love with a woman in general. Such as in "Titanic" where Jack, played by Leo, is a poor man who gets two tickets for him and his friend in short notice by gambling just a few minutes before the ship took off for America. On board Jack sees Rose, a classy woman high in the upper class, attempt to commit suicide by jumping off of the Titanic in to the frigid waters below. He then saves her and begins to fall in love with her the more and more he sees her.
        Unfortunately Jack ends up dying in the end, but Rose changes her last name to Dawson, which was Jack's last name. This shows that she too fell in love with him and it doesn't matter what class you are from or currently in when it comes to love.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you summarized the main points of Romeo and Juliet and then you related it to real life. You also connected it to another movie that related back to your original point.
