Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Recommendation: The Shack

             I liked this book a lot more than I honestly expected to. I was a little weary at the fact that this had a lot to do with religion and Christianity. I usually don't even attempt to read stories like that as they are very opinionated and can contradict ones beliefs, therefore becoming a very poor book in certain readers' eyes.
This book for me though was a bit of an exception. It wasn't very opinionated on Mack's religion (that being Christianity) as it was more interesting in describing the importance of it to him. It shows in immense detail how living with God in your life, whether it be spiritually or legit physically like in this book, can alter it for the better.
           While living with the representation of Jesus in real life, Mack grew as a person. He began to realize that some things happen for a reason and you may not be able to always control it. Will Mack find out who killed his daughter? Was going to the shack in his best interest or could he have lived on with out this experience?
             I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a story that gets them thinking. One that keeps them constanly guessing about whats going to happen next, as well as someone who enjoys spiritual and Christian religion books. I give this book a 3.8 out of 5 stars. It was was descriptive, but at some points there were times where I lost interest, and it took awhile for it to get going in the beginning.

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