Another quote in this book, that explains the importance of religion (Christianity), is found on page 8 where it says, "... I know his daddy was not a fall-asleep-happy kind of alcoholic but a vicious mean beat-your-wife-and-then-ask-God-for-forgiveness drunk" (Young 1). This was Mack's friend talking about how Mack's dad had treated his mom, which was obviously very poorly. This shows me, though, that his father felt bad about what he had done to his wife and had talked and/or prayed to God afterwards to ask for forgiveness for what he had done. This belief in religion had been passed down to Mack, and is also found in his friend.
"His favorite topics are all about God and Creation and why people believe what they do. His eyes light up and he gets this smile that curls at the corners of his lips, and siddenly, like a little kid, the tiredness melts away and he becomes ageless and hardly able to contain himself" (Young 10) That quote shows me that he likes to talk about and to discuss God and Creation, it is intrigueing to him.
His beliefs were all about to come in handy as he recieves a letter in the mail telling him to go to the shack where his daughter was abducted on vacation. the letter was signed "-Papa"... He does not know who Papa is and just believes this is someones idea of a sick joke.
I'm predicting that the next step he will have to take is to decide whether or not he wants to go to the the shack and found out who wrote the letter, or if the memory of his daughter being abducted is too unbareable to go.
I can relate to this where even talking to someone whom you had the tragic or epic memory with can be hard.
Will he go to the shack? Will his friend go with him? Does he have any ideas who sent him the note to go?
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